Understanding How To Play Fantasy Basketball Game

As the NBA season begins, NBA fans across the country are lining up to play fantasy basketball. The two most popular formats are seasonal fantasy leagues and fantasy NBA daily competition. Each format requires a different approach that provides something for players of all skill levels.

Fantasy league NBA

Fantasy sports leagues have been created for coaches who want to manage their team throughout the season. While most leagues play for fun, some commissioners organize leagues with tickets and prize money distributed at the end of the season. The process begins with a typed draft. The most popular draft format is the standard snake, in which the draft positions of the players are drawn at random.

In both formats, each coach must recruit a whole team of players based on league setup. Most leagues have up to 10 starting positions plus bench players. Depending on the league rules, managers can move players on a daily or weekly basis. League rules determine the score, and competitions are held weekly. Towards the end of the season, the best overall records advance to the playoffs, which generally span the last 2-3 weeks of the regular NBA season.

NBA Draftkings Optimizer

NBA Fantasy Daily Competition

Popular fantasy sites provide access to NBA Draftkings Optimizer competitions for managers who enjoy fast and furious money-up-play action. These daily contests come in different formats, which are listed on the website. Managers can choose to compete head-to-head with a small group of managers of 2 to 25 participants. These contests are generally designed and posted by one of the contestants, who then opens the application process for any contestant who wants to participate, depending on the contest settings. While in some contests, the winner takes all, games with more than 10 entrants may offer small consolation prizes.

Another popular format is sponsored contests hosted by the site. These contests typically feature thousands of entrants with huge prize packages guaranteed for a relatively small entry fee. The more participation in these contests, the more paid places will be. Prize packages can include large cash prizes, consumer goods, or special prize packages that could have something like in NFL Fanduel Optimizer

Competition rules and scoring parameters are provided on the website. Each manager receives a salary cap that can be used to select players. Each player who has to play on a specific night will be assigned a salary cap. Obviously, the better the player, the higher the value.


If you choose to participate in the daily competition, you must remember that many managers have significant experience, putting you at a disadvantage.